
Why Fix My Foundation Problems?

Have you been trying to decide what to do about your settling foundation? Are there ugly cracks in your home or bending walls? Many homeowners are faced with this question – why should I fix my foundation problems?

Here are some good reasons to resolve foundation issues sooner rather than later:

1. The Problem Will Get Worse: Foundation problems never fix themselves, they always get worse and then cost more to fix. The longer settling soil is left alone, the pressure on your foundation will increase along with the damage being dealt to your home.

2. Resale Value: No one ever wants to buy a house with foundation problems. This is because buyers don't want to adopt your foundation issues, and a home's value can be halved with severe enough foundation problems.

3. Appearance: Quite often foundation problems cause ugly cracks both on the inside and outside of a home.

Brick Wall Cracks

4. Door and Window Operation: As the home's foundation fails to hold the house in place, the house twists and bends – this causes doors and windows to get stuck and jam.

Door Way Cracked

5. Use of Space: Sometimes a homeowner completely loses the use of space due to foundation failure, making the basement a wasted room of the home.

6. Safety: It's unusual, but foundation problems can be a safety hazard for homes. Brick veneer falling, and even foundation collapse are some of these hazards.

7. Critters: Insects and rodents love cracks in homes, a perfect entrance to become an uninvited house guest. If the cracks are big enough you might have multiple "guests" enjoying your basement.

 Hole in Foundation Wall

Another important aspect of deciding to fix your foundation has to do with looking to the future. We are all going to sell our homes someday, and when we do the buyer will hire an inspector. Foundation issues are a huge red flag to inspectors, potential buyers, and greatly affect the value of your home and property.

So remember, foundation problems only get worse before they get better. Fixing it now instead of later might just be the best decision you can make!

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Our Locations:

Midwest Foundation Repair
9850 Douglas Ave Suite 100
Urbandale, IA 50322