Water Stained Walls
When the soil shifts around the foundation, it can cause some movement and water can enter through cracks in the walls. When water starts to come in it can cause these water stains and mold can start to form over it.

Mold On The Walls
When water gets into the walls of the foundation, mold can start to form. Our Cleanspace can help with this as a barrier to the basement and prevents mold from growing!

Preparing for WaterGuard
This before photo shows how we dig out around the perimeter to install our WaterGuard. This will allow the water to fall and collect into the Waterguard and it will flow into the sump pump!

Cleanspace and Waterguard Installed
Cleanspace is the white plastic like tarp material on the wall. This system catches any water that may come through and lets it flow into the Waterguard. Waterguard is what is installed under that wet part of the concrete around the perimeter. This is a drainage system that flows any water into the sump systems.

Waterguard and Lateral Line
The wet parts on the floor are where our WaterGuard is installed. This is a drainage system that allows water to collect from cracks in the wall and through the cold joint from the foundation. When water collects, it flows down into the sump system. The Lateral Line is the wet area in the middle of the floor. If the basement is large, or at a different angle, a lateral line can be placed in to collect any extra water that may just be sitting in the middle of the basement perimeter. This ensures the basement stays dry!

CleanSpace, WaterGuard, Sump Pump
Another view of the Cleanspace, Waterguard, Lateral Line, and Sump Pump. These systems work together to ensure no water gets into the basement. The Cleanspace on the wall is waterproof and very durable. It can not be teared easily and prevents mold! The Waterguard and Lateral Lines makes sure the water that is collect gets to the sump pump and the sump pump makes sure the water is discharged away from the home at a safe distance.