Before picture
You can see the crack on the wall.

Water still in the basement before process started.
Before we have done anything.

Wall is destroyed
The wall is beat up and ready to be fixed.

Bowing walls
This wall will be fixed in the next week.

A whole lot of water
A whole lot of water

Bowing wall
Bowing wall

This basement will be fixed.

In the middle of the job
The holes are dug and they are getting ready to put the piers down.

Water in the basement due to rain storm.
After the rain we had, this homeowner received water in their basement.

Getting ready
Getting ready to put the piers down.

All around the house
Piers are going all around the house

Even in the bathroom
Piers in the bathroom

Closer up
Closer up of the pier

Tearing up the concrete
They had to tear up the concrete.

Tearing up the concrete to dig
They are tearing up the concrete to dig a hole.

9 feet deep
They had to dig nine feet down to the foundation.

Messy basement
The basement is messy but they are doing great work to the house.

The smart jack
The smart jack is in but they need to get the water out of the hole.

A lot of water
There is a lot of water in the hole.

All the smart jacks
The smart jacks are down and going to be ready to finish.

Dirt back into the hole
The dirt fell back into the hole after putting the smart jack in.