Lake Panorama Panora Iowa
Welcome to Panora and Lake Panorama!
Directions Around Lake Panorama
As with any lake area, there are lots of ways to get from point a to point b. However at Lake Panorama, most of the time your are headed to Panorama Road or Panorama Drive.
Stop and Take a Look at your Basement Foundation
Stop and take a look at your foundation. Your home depends on it. Take a look for Bowing Walls, Cracks in the wall, Stair Step cracks in the corners, and cracks in your basement floor. Additionally, look for things in the upper levels of your home. There are great indicators for foundation settlement and repair like sticky doors and windows, and if you get to the attic you will see tremendous stress on the rafters. In worse case scenarios, the house could be getting ready to tear itself apart.
Foundation Movement
As the earth moves this deck, it is also moving the house and foundation behind the deck. Question, If the soil is moving toward the lake, what is the foundation and the house doing? It is important to support the foundation, the house and the deck.
Foundation Sliding Down the Hill to the Lake
This is a close-up of the deck legs and footings being pushed and bent forward as the soil moves towards the hill and begins to slide to the lake. This is a perfect example of the immediate need for repair. If the area supporting the deck is moving, the soil behind the deck supporting the house is moving as well. This movement can cause settlement, cracking of the foundation basement wall, the bowing of the foundation basement wall, and the immediate need for support.