Before Photo of Wall Fracture
This photo shows the effect the street creep has taken on the wall, fracturing it near the bottom.

Before - Retaining Wall Failure
Before - Retaining Wall Failure

Before - Retaining Walls
Before - Retaining Walls to be corrected with helical tie backs.

Another View of Wall Fracture
This photo shows the effect the street creep has taken on the wall. You can again see the fracturing at the bottom of the wall.

Before Photo of Additional Retaining Walls
Another view of what the failing retaining walls looked like.

Retaining Wall Demo
A look at the before process

Retaining Wall Demo
This image shows the retaining wall prior to repair during the demo process.

Interior Wall Crack
The homeowners were very concerned about these large interior cracks.

Helical Tie Back Hole Foundation Wall Repair
Helical Tie Back Hole for the interior foundation wall repair.

Interior Wall Repair for Helical Tie Back Hole
Another view of more Helical Tie Back Holes for the interior foundation wall repair.

Tie Back Helical Holes
This is another view of Tie Back Helical Holes that will fix the failing retaining wall.

Exterior Retaining Wall Tie Back Holes
These are the holes made for the exterior wall tie backs.

New Wall Prep
In this photo, you can see the rebar and framing for the new wall being put in.

Wall Excavation and Demo
The crew is working hard to get the demo complete.

Demo Completion
This is where the new wall building process began.

Poured Wall Framing and Support
Poured Wall Framing and Support

Rebar in New Footing
New poured wall rebar has footing for wall poured around it.

Stable Fill
Filling the void.

Footing Pour
Footing and wall supports are being set.

Wall Framing For Poured Wall
Poured Wall setup for concrete to be poured in.

Framing and support getting poured!
Here we are getting the Framing and support set!

New wall in progress
Another view of the retaining wall being completed.

Project in progress
The project is almost complete!

Progress of Void Fill Continued
Filling the void with newly poured concrete.

Stable Fill Concrete Mix
A stable fill concrete mixture is shown filling the void here.

Filling Wall Void For With the Stable fill
stable fill filling wall void.

Stable Fill Concrete Mix Being Poured
Void fill behind new poured concrete wall with stable fill concrete mixture.

Filling the Void With Stable Fill
We filled the void from where the wall was excavated with stable fill to prevent future pressure on the wall from street creep.

Filling the void with new concrete
Newly poured concrete is shown here filling the void.

After the Helical Tie Backs Have been Installed
After Helical Tie Backs of Retaining Walls

After Helical Tie Backs Stabilizing the Wall
Another look of helical tiebacks stabilizing the wall

New Wall Side View
A side shot of the finished retaining wall replacement.

After - New Poured Wall
After photo of new wall straight and structurally sound.

New wall
This is a view of the newly complete retaining wall.

After Completed Project
This is the after photo of the completed project once the concrete had been replaced in the driveway.

New Wall with I-Beam
New Wall with I-Beam