Leaning Walls
You can see from this photo the walls are leaning. When soil from backfill shifts and moves, it can cause the walls to start to lean, especially if they are poured concrete foundations.

Wall Leaning and Cracking
Over time, the soil outside the home can move. This also can mean the support of of the walls can decrease. This can cause the walls to start leaning or cracking.

Stair Step Wall Cracking in Fort Dodge, IA
Stair step cracking in these walls means there is not good support for the walls to be stable. When cracks go in a stair step pattern, or side to side, it usually means there are foundation problems. If a crack is going up to down, it means it could just be a single wall concern. In this situation, our System Design Specialist knew we needed to get the foundation and walls supported and stabilized so the walls would not cave in.

Leaning Wall
As well as cracks, you can see this wall is leaning towards the middle of the basement. Power Braces can be used to give support back to these walls, and possibly straighten them over time.

Power Braces Installed
These floor to ceiling braces are installed to the wall. Bolts in the floor, and through supporting beams allow pressure on the wall to stop leaning in.

Power Braces At Work
Power Braces are floor to ceiling braces that are installed to the wall. Over time the rod sticking out can be torqued, allowing the wall to straighten out.

Foundation Stabilization
We used Power Braces at this home due to the stair step cracking. This home was in bad shape and was close to caving in. Luckily we got there in time to use our PowerBraces to stabilize the walls.